Here’s my Top 5 tips.
Nobody puts DJ in the corner!
This one’s actually bigger than you’d think! In a perfect world your DJ is centrally located in the room right along with the dance floor. If you want the party to be the main thing happening all night you should make it prominent. When the DJ and the dance floor are center stage, so is the party. Other reasons are
Room acoustics - PA systems sound better when they’re squared up in a room
Aesthetics - My set up in particular is designed to be centrally located with a wall behind me. When you put it in a corner everything gets all smooshed up and it doesn’t look as good.
Up against a wall. Not out in the middle.
My system is designed to be seen from the front and from the sides but not from behind. If guests can walk around behind my system they’ll see cases and cables and all kinds of things that aren’t designed to be seen.
My lighting is designed to shine up a wall behind me. If I don’t have a wall or you only have windows behind me, 50% of my show isn’t visible. You have the option to rent pipe and drape that perfectly complements your tablecloths from the same rental company where you acquired the rest of your linens
Try not to put me between doors
I know it’s not always possible but